How do you select items?
Almost all the items that I'm recommending on Horror Picks, I personally own and enjoy. Some items are based on things that I know are awesome and are on my wishlist. As opposed to just linking to anything I like that would be relevant for this site, I really am trying to link to my most favorite items that I consider must-haves for horror fans or those trying to buy gifts for friends or family that are horror fans.
Do you review the items?
I will begin offering small reviews for those items I love the most. Otherwise, be sure to use the comments form found at the bottom of every page to ask about any item you're interested in.
What about items that have multiple versions?
Many items, like movies and video games, have many different versions on different platforms, including digital versions. I try to link to the most original, best, and physical copies of items. From Amazon, you should easily be able to find alternate versions of the item if needed. If you need help, make sure to comment on the page of the item with your needs and I'll try and provide the most relevant link for you.
Some of the item pictures don't match the item pictures on Amazon.
I try to find the most relevant images of the actual item, but sometimes I have to use alternative or stylized images.
How do I feature my horror-related items that I sell on Amazon on Horror Picks?
Sure. If you'd like to have your item listed on this page, shoot me an email.
How do I subscribe to learn of new recommended items?
You can subscribe for updates on either Facebook (#HorrorPicks) or Twitter (#HorrorPicks).
Do you make money on Horror Picks?
Yes. We do receive incentive by linking to items via Amazon's affiliate program. By buying through our links, you help support our projects. Thank you.